Monday, November 20, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #32

Anybody know about King George & Wally? George's brother had advocated to marry a commoner. George was married to Elizabeth, who was known as the Queen mother in my time. I think that means the mother of Queen Elizabeth.


I finally had turkey dinner at my sisters. Mother and brother and sister (another) and her husband were there. We did have a lovely dinner> If [?] the afternoon I made over seven hundred thousand at Big Business.

Excuse the writing but I'm sitting on top of the world waiting for the sun of Dec. 23 to rise. If nothing happen I might make your home by December 24 - late.

The faculty play comes tomorrow night. I went to the dress rehearsal last night. I really think there will be many laughs in it. It is a light thing, but I'm sure it will go over in Springfield quite well.

We have regular Board meeting and an oyster stew tonight all employees of the school are invited. There should be about fifty bowels of stew.

We had a light snow here, but much of it melted yesterday. We have had no better cold weather here yet this year.

King George and Wally are having quite a time in England. It looks as if it will be the throne or Wally. Power to him; he will have to decide between Wally and Mammon? People always resist change. They just won't allow things to be done in a different way.

I must go to school.
Love to all,
Yours truly,

Truly yours
Yours, yours with love
Love to Martha,

Royal's letter to Martha #31 Late November 1936

Dearest Martha,

Today has been another red-letter day for me. Everything to make a fellow go crazy has happened. Mr. Morris blew up and went frantically mad at play practice. Mr. Lewis informed me that I was of the old school and what else I don’t know. But really I came through in rather good style and I am able here at ten o’clock to write (even sit up) Maybe I won’t have a job a year from now, but if I don’t I can get on relief, or maybe the old age pension. A man that teaches school needs a wife with patience of Job and a great broad understanding. If you were just here we would talk things over and I am sure everything would be OK.

A good administrator cannot be stampeded when the mob goes but must stand and look far ahead and see the final result rather than be excited about the present.

I played a little ping-pong tonight. Just as a matter of relaxation. I do love to play, but I never have time to play enough to really learn how. It would be nice to have a home large enough so one could have room for such.

I’m going to bed because I’m getting up soon after six in the morning. I will write again in the Morning.


Yes, I did get up at six as planned. I am cleaned up clean as a pin, and I am now ready to go to school.

Darling, I certainly need you here now. There have been times when I just knew I needed you more and more. I guess I’ll see (I know) see you in about four more weeks, but the time will be so short. But I’m sure plans can be made for long future. Darling I could wait for years if I knew you were to be at the end of the wait. I love you.

How did you find out I was to maybe send you a picture. Must be your friend and counterpart wrote that. It’s OK, but I might not be able to do so.

I must ring off get to school and start to work.

I love Martha,

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #30 Nov 1936

It is a little confusing how Royal talks about home. When he is in Denver home is Baca County. When he is in Baca County sometimes home is his room in the boarding house and other times it is the family homestead where he grew up. This home is where his Mother and brother Bill live.

I've been thinking about the Ford cars. For many years Ford made the model T which was the first low cost car and transformed the American world. In 1928 because of competion Ford came out with the Model A. It had a four cylinder engine and came in a coupe or sedan. It had a throttle on the steering wheel. They had not worked out the standard cluck, brake, and gas used on cars until the mid 30's. The model A was made until 1932 when they came out with a new model which was more streamlined with either a 4 banger or a V8. The 1934 was just a little more stream lined. I owned one of these that set beside the house for several years but never ran. These cars had machical brakes. There were push rods and levers and these were poor brakes. I think by 1936 they had hydraulic brakes and the cars were starting to be more rounded. So Royal left his new car with his brother Bill and drove Bill's Model A. Royals brothers were mostly very mechinal though he was not. So Bill was getting the car ready for the trip to Indiana.


I am very sorry it is not possible for you to meet me in K.C. I hate going places by myself. I probably won't arrive there until late afternoon on Christmas Day you will have Christmas dinner with your family without interruption. I am having Mother and one of my sisters eat with me here on Thanksgiving Day.

I was home this afternoon and stayed from 2:00 until 8:00. Mother was quite well. Bill my brother was washing and polishing my car. He has had it here for about two weeks now. I have been driving his model A. about. I ate a big piece of apple pie, and I have had indigestion ever since I came back home. I have made some rather definite efforts to find out just when your birthday is, but have not succeeded. The picture man just came Friday.

At the party we had at my sister two tables played Big Business and one played bridge. Mr. Austin got to working a card trick for the teachers that took no little time. The evening ended by a group playing Hell, pounce, or there is another name for the game.

Saturday night after play practice Mr. Lewis and I served spaghetti to the play cast. The spaghetti was enjoyed by all. We played ping-pong and bridge afterwards then. The gang are really quite a fine group. There has been some little difficulty among play cast & I have been trying to iron this out.

I paid every cent I owed to the beal [?] bank this month. I am surely making a drastic effort to get all my obligations taken care of. I now have last summers school paid for and am ready to start saving to get ready for next summer- I hope to be able to work on that thesis this week too.

I must sign off and get to school. I'll be seein' you before long.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Royal's Letter to Martha #29 written 11/6/1936

No Comments. RLR

Denver Y.M.C.A.
November 6, 1936

Dearest Martha,

Today makes my third day here. Of all the faces strange and otherwise – None seem to satisfy. There are dozens of pretty faces and swell fur coats but is all filled with a longing and strangeness. There is a vacancy that I can not express; I really feel better when I assure myself that next year shall not find the "situation" such. I can see where it would be the grandest thing in the world to have a sweet wife, and to be really in love with the same.

Much has been said since I have been here about the Indiana trip. I looked up a map last night and even planned two routes I might take. I think if favorable weather comes that I might be there the 24th or early the 25th. Mr. Lewis and Gretchen have seen the far away sign and asked me several times if I were on my way already.

Mr. Lewis left for Greeley this afternoon. Gretchen and I went to the show "Cain and Mabel". Gretchen is a swell girl. I can promise she would never double cross Martha. Gretchen is a good girl. She says she went shopping for a wedding present for us yesterday. I said, "well if I had my way about things we would already be married". I’m really in love and the sooner we can start on our journey together the better pleased I shall be. I’ll try and get you my picture along about Thanksgiving time. I cannot remember but I’m sure that is the day when you pass another milestone.

I’m certainly looking forward to arriving home Sunday and getting my mail. It will contain letters from the sweetest girl in the whole world. God bless her! I do wish you were here tonight so we could go to sleep on each other’s arms.

Don Best, the boy who waited tables at the house this summer dropped in this afternoon. He wanted Mr. Lewis to act as best man at his wedding. He is getting married. He waits table for help in getting through college. I sort of envy him that he can get married anyway. I guess we college graduate people take things entirely too seriously. It is better for all concerned that we waited until Xmas at least. See the old conservative creeping in. Lewis refused as he was on his way out of town.

Mr. Lewis is coming back Sunday. We shall leave for home. If nothing happens I’ll be home by 8:00 P.m. I’ll try to write Monday Eve. We have a hard week ahead; Armistice Day Celebration, Football game, School Carnival and National Education Week.

I’ll mail this Sat. Morning. If time permits I’ll write more.

Remember sweetheart that whatever happens I love you.


I just don’t think I could get along until Xmas if I did not have so much to do that I can not thing [think] of you If I were not so busy I’d go nuts.

I have been by the Auditorium Hotel and looked in several times. I would have stayed there but I felt I just could not. It was better to be where familiar scenes did not remind me of when I saw the girl who filled the big place in my life off. Martha I never thought anyone could fill such a big place in my life.

The convention has been quite good. I have not gone to any sectional meetings. I have attended the general sections quite religiously. I went about town shopping a lot with Mr. Lewis. I have not bought anything but a pair of parcel post scales for the office. I am holding everything until Xmas. Two kisses bet on envelope flaps are drawing interest. There will come a payday too.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #28 written Nov 4, 1936

I don’t want your rambling letters
I don’t want your picture framed
All I want is you beside me
And a change to change your name

Words from song at Tucson Blue Grass Festival Oct 2006

Royal’s letter to Martha #28 written Nov 4, 1936

Wednesday Eve
New Kenmark Hotel
Denver, Colorado


I find that I love you in Denver as I do on the plains of Baca County. We got in here about six. We window shopped a short time ate a bowl of chili and sat in the hotel lobby and read for more than two hours. (Mr. Lewis & I compose "we") and Eads Student came part way with us. You can naturally know how I feel to be back in Denver and not have you. It is almost unbearable. I told Mr. Lewis in the lobby tonight you meant all to me and that we should get married just as soon as you would say the word. Shall we go to someplace when I come Christmas and get married, or shall we get married at your home?

I may go to Greeley Sat., but nothing is definite as yet. If Mr. Lewis goes to Ft Collins I may go and let him drop me off there. I had a letter from the Linchion Lane [?] suggesting such an arrangement.

Mr. Bohlender, the ex-school prin. was badly defeated in the election. This was a bit unfortunate, but I really don’t believe it will effect our school situation a great deal. I certainly feel sorry for he and wife. Santa Claus is bringing them another child about Xmas. It looked like a clean sweep, but the scandal on the former Supt. put everything in a cocked hat.

It is past ten o’clock and I must turn in, but remember dear, that of all the faces I shall see the one that really makes a difference won’t be there. I’ll grin and bear it then marry that sweet face a Christmas time when I journey back to the Hoosier state to see her.

Goodnight sweetheart, I’ll always love you.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #27 written Nov 2-3, 1936

Royal’s letter #27 assumed written Nov 2-3 1936
It is election day and the New Deal wins big.

Dearest Martha,

Only tomorrow and we will be off for Teachers Convention and election will be over.

I had a terrible spell of "inferiority Complex" today. I feel like quitting, just throwing up everything, quitting, like going off into the woods and twiddling my thumbs through out eternity. It would be fine to have you here tonight. It would be wonderful to have an understanding soul nearby.

We had board meeting tonight. Everything went quite civil. We are actually having a fine school. Some criticism perhaps but very little I think. This helps explain why I am writing with my pencil. I left myfountainn pen at school where we signed warrants.

I have tons of work to do tomorrow. It will be one of the busiest days of the year. I will be tired so that I can sleep tomorrow night. I'll get up about am Wed. and find out how the election came out.

I sat in the Lodge and heard talk of expelling the Co. Supt that came up a total of $12,000 short. I am afraid it is going to cause quite a dissension among the different members. There was some fireworks. The Editor of the Republican Paper has made her brags that she will get me in the paper next week. But really I'm like the Nudist nothing can be pinned on me. I think I'll be here after she is gone.

7:07 a.m.

Mr Lewis and I are situated in my office listening to the Denver Post News Cast on my radio. The score between Roosevelt and Landon now stands Landon 38, Roosevelt 22. Mr. Lewis is going down at 8:00 and go before a notary and vote his absentee ballot. I shall vote at ten.

It would have been grand to have woke up and found you here this morning. This morning of all mornings would this have been desirable. You will be sometime. How about doing something in a definite way Christmas when I come?

I must close and write some letters evoked by our Board meeting last night. See you fore long.

With love,


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #26 Assumed written 10/27/1936

I guess my order of letters is not quite right. From closer reading of this and #24 it would seem #24 should be moved to follow this letter because of the sequence of the Holloween Party.

Dearest Martha,

I think everyday of the world how nice it would be to have you here. It certainly would the last word in living. We certainly could be worth a lot to each other.

I am going to La Junta with the football team tomorrow. We are sure to get beat but I think the boys will put up a good scrap. Speaking of football our grade school boys played the H.S. scrub team today. The score ended a 6 – 6 tie. It was quite a game. I was somewhat surprised how well the grade people did. I wish Mr. Lewis were going in my place – I never relish such trips when I don’t have you along.

Mr. Lewis and I went to school tonight. Mr. Lewis wrote warrants while I worked on the books. It was quite a calm peaceful evening. I was to have washed my hair when I got home, but Mrs. Measel forgot to leave the bathroom open.

The Ford is functioning very well. The only trouble it burns gas just like all cars – gas of course costs money. The heater has not been installed, but will be soon.

I got a letter from my sister today. She wants me to come to her house Sat. night to a Halloween party. Come out and we’ll storm the party together. That would be a real treat.

I shall look forward to seeing the luncheon set. I am glad you are a changed person. There is a chance for me. I’d love to see you smile and see your sweet face tonight. Too bad I can’t kiss you goodnight and have you lie on my arm, and be able to awake and find you there in the morning. Time is going a little faster now. The time will soon come when Santa will bring me to you.

Yours with love,


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #25

So here we finally have the new car. Gunmetal must be gray and he is getting a radio. Also note he "dozed" in church. I've been there myself.

Sunday Eve.

Dearest Martha,

This has been a rapid-fire weekend. Football game Friday night, circulated Petition Saturday morning, went to Church and Sunday school this a.m., to a birthday dinner, to the creek for sand, and to school and worked on the aquarium and window boxes. It is now six, Mr. Lewis was just in to see about going to church tonight. I wanted to go to Two Buttes to hear Dr. George Verity a brother of one of the county’s grand old men. He is a missionary in China, and talked in this country about ten years ago. We shall most probably stay home and perhaps go to church here.

The new, gunmetal, V-8 Tudor with built-in-trunk works quite well. I am quite well pleased with it. It may have a radio installed in it when you see it at Christmas. I paid nearly twenty-five dollars for insurance and signed a note for three- ninety-five. I really did need it quite bad. And it is going to be fine.

The football game was a thriller last Friday night. Score 0 – 0. The first time in History that Springfield has ever held Lamar in football. They have beaten them a lot of times in basketball. We play Las Aninas here Friday afternoon all the stores are closing during the game. We will have a large crowd of enthusiastic rooters.

All that I have told you in this letter indicates that you should be here, helping me to make adjustments in this community. It is awful hard for a single man to be properly adjusted to make a good school Supt.

Monday Morning 7:15

Mr. Lewis and I went to church. I dozed off several times. I just could not keep awake. I came home and fooled around for some time before I went to sleep. I then went to sleep with the radio on and woke up later and turned it off. It may have been much later.

Mr. Lewis and I are going to Lamar to see the "Gorgeous Hussy" tonight. That is if I can get my six weeks grades figured out.

I am going to the grade school just after nine today to observe the 1st grade teacher. She is having something special.

I have been listening to the breakfast club. They are singing their final song so that means it is seven-thirty and time I ate breakfast and got to school.

Martha dear I surely wish you were here to go to this show with us. You could also help break in the new car.

Yours with love,


Monday, November 06, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #24 assumed written 10/27/1936

Tuesday Evening


More debts to pay. I have the all seeing eye and boy! Will I enjoy the payment. I’ll live the next seven weeks for this, and that and the other that you will pay. You know some way said, "It is always the woman who pays".

School is still going rather smoothly in spite of everything that might happen. My greatest worry right now is why the election is not over. Our local election here is likely to have a certain upsets, due to the hand of God or the actions of certain humans. Roosevelt seems to be hitting it hard in New York now. Well it won’t be long now.

The faculty started on the play last night. I’m to be Bruce the young boy. It is a lousy thing called "Go Easy Mabel". I wonder the town will let us teach here after they see it. It is I should say rather Crude in places. A committee of teachers did the picking. I had not read it until last night. I got the part for the reason that there was no one else to take it.

I’m going to a holloween party here in town to night. A ghost is supposed to meet me at the gate. I may pass out but I think I can stand it.

Dear, I surely do need you. I need you every day. I have told Lewis any number of times that he and I needed to get married more that any other thing. I will surely look forward to seeing that picture. You can’t send it too soon to suit me. I love you, sweet.

Goodnight, pleasant dreams.

Yours with love,


Friday, November 03, 2006

Roosevelt in landslide over Landon

ON THIS DAY (70 years ago)

On Nov. 3, 1936, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was re-elected in a landslide over Republican Alfred M. ''Alf'' Landon.

This kind of goes with Royal's letters. Gives us a National poltical context.