Thursday, May 13, 2004

How to create a post

This turns out to be a little more complicated. You must become a member to make a post. You become a member by being invited to join the Blog. You get invited by sending me an e-mail ( requesting to become a member and I arange an invitation to be sent to you. The invitation can only be used once and it should lead you through the steps to become a member. If you have problems with the invitation it can be sent again & again until we get it right. When you sign up remember your signon and password you will need those later. It can be a little tricky see Anita's posting from 11/10/2004. Once you are a member select "RF Rutherford Family" and then "Create a Posting". This opens up a input frame with title area & a post area. To save my posting it I click on "Publish Post" at the bottom of the frame. There is a spelling checker for your text (if you want) or you might want to do it in word, wordpad, or your favorate editor and then cut an past into the posting. If you have questions about this e-mail me or call 520-762-8026.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Tucson, Az

I have been thinking about setting up a family web-site where we could all put up pictures, stories, events etc. for all to see and comment on. This week I read a little about Blogs (Weblogs) and thought that might be the way. So lets give it a try. I think I am the only one who can edit entries after they have posted but anyone should be able to create entries or add comments to entries. I will try to add a few stories and pictures to kick the thing off. You can put your feed back on the blog or e-mail me at