Friday, November 17, 2006

Royal's Letter to Martha #29 written 11/6/1936

No Comments. RLR

Denver Y.M.C.A.
November 6, 1936

Dearest Martha,

Today makes my third day here. Of all the faces strange and otherwise – None seem to satisfy. There are dozens of pretty faces and swell fur coats but is all filled with a longing and strangeness. There is a vacancy that I can not express; I really feel better when I assure myself that next year shall not find the "situation" such. I can see where it would be the grandest thing in the world to have a sweet wife, and to be really in love with the same.

Much has been said since I have been here about the Indiana trip. I looked up a map last night and even planned two routes I might take. I think if favorable weather comes that I might be there the 24th or early the 25th. Mr. Lewis and Gretchen have seen the far away sign and asked me several times if I were on my way already.

Mr. Lewis left for Greeley this afternoon. Gretchen and I went to the show "Cain and Mabel". Gretchen is a swell girl. I can promise she would never double cross Martha. Gretchen is a good girl. She says she went shopping for a wedding present for us yesterday. I said, "well if I had my way about things we would already be married". I’m really in love and the sooner we can start on our journey together the better pleased I shall be. I’ll try and get you my picture along about Thanksgiving time. I cannot remember but I’m sure that is the day when you pass another milestone.

I’m certainly looking forward to arriving home Sunday and getting my mail. It will contain letters from the sweetest girl in the whole world. God bless her! I do wish you were here tonight so we could go to sleep on each other’s arms.

Don Best, the boy who waited tables at the house this summer dropped in this afternoon. He wanted Mr. Lewis to act as best man at his wedding. He is getting married. He waits table for help in getting through college. I sort of envy him that he can get married anyway. I guess we college graduate people take things entirely too seriously. It is better for all concerned that we waited until Xmas at least. See the old conservative creeping in. Lewis refused as he was on his way out of town.

Mr. Lewis is coming back Sunday. We shall leave for home. If nothing happens I’ll be home by 8:00 P.m. I’ll try to write Monday Eve. We have a hard week ahead; Armistice Day Celebration, Football game, School Carnival and National Education Week.

I’ll mail this Sat. Morning. If time permits I’ll write more.

Remember sweetheart that whatever happens I love you.


I just don’t think I could get along until Xmas if I did not have so much to do that I can not thing [think] of you If I were not so busy I’d go nuts.

I have been by the Auditorium Hotel and looked in several times. I would have stayed there but I felt I just could not. It was better to be where familiar scenes did not remind me of when I saw the girl who filled the big place in my life off. Martha I never thought anyone could fill such a big place in my life.

The convention has been quite good. I have not gone to any sectional meetings. I have attended the general sections quite religiously. I went about town shopping a lot with Mr. Lewis. I have not bought anything but a pair of parcel post scales for the office. I am holding everything until Xmas. Two kisses bet on envelope flaps are drawing interest. There will come a payday too.


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