Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #23 assumed written 10/19/1936

Royal’s Letter to Martha #23 assumed written 10/19/1936


You wrote a swell letter today. This day of all days I needed such. Our ex-county superintendent came back to town last night and plead guilty to forging eight thousand dollars worth of school warrants. He is now residing in the county jail, awaiting sentence to the Federal Penitentiary. This is the third blow Baca County schools has had in six years. It is terrible. I knew the man and had implicit confidence in him. It will set our school back at least 5 years, and practically kill the Baptist Church of whom the man was formerly a leader. This man has preached wonderful sermons all over the county. He has given the baccalaureate sermon here for five year. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, and it is really a slap in the face to our schools, church, and community. One of the fellows told me that Mr. Mitchell has just been sentenced to from 3 to 6 years. Things like this cause we humans to have less faith in humanity Ah?

Of course, I should not be adverse to accepting payment on the little debt every night. I just have not been able to figure just how the thing can be done before Santa Comes at Christmas time. I may be so hard up I can’t do anything else but I am coming at Christmas time if nothing else comes. I am not the least worried about not going to Colorado Springs. Really I did not even have to stop to think before I knew that I should not plan to do other than come to see the girl I love.

Our faculty this year is thus far reasonably free of pressure groups, spites [?], backbiters, etc. We are putting over quite a school program believe it or not.

We got a big Sousaphone last weekend. It surely does make our band sound differently. We are on the way to a better and better band.

We had a school program tonight. Mr. Morris put on a dramatic program. He staged some songs, tap numbers, a puppet show, and ended by the little play The Wonder Hat. Quite a crowd was out considering the fact that there was two political rallies in the neighboring towns.

Oh, yes I see by the paper that Earl Browder the Communist Candidate for president is not being so well received in your native state of Illinois.

I am quite sorry to hear about the accident, but I am sure glad you nor sisters were hurt. Fenders can be replaced but injuries can’t always be taken care of so easily.

Mother was to see me and gave me a chrysanthemum today. It was really that. And I’m not trying to air off my spelling either. The students teased me no little about it when I went back to school, but I paid little attention to their fun. I had to rush back to school and see my physics class so I did not see her long, even she was in town.

The Nevada girl knows all sees all of course. I always treat them that way. Don’t I? Of course she can’t raise her eyes like you!

Martha I surely wish you were here and I could go to sleep thanking God I had you beside me on my arm. I need you sweetheart. This work is big work – I love you truly.

Your Beau,


Royal's letter to Martha #22 assumed written 10/17/1936

Royal's Letter to Martha # 22 assumed writtenn 10/17/1936
This letter is all hand printed rather than written in his normal script.

Saturday Morning


I realize with a heart that is swelling with emotion that ten weeks ago today you entrained for San Antonio. I left for Baca County - Much unknown lay before - I have met the job - There has been problems, but today the world seems to have a place for two - a man and wife to direct the activities of the school. I know the way has seemed dark for you many times - Colorado is so-o-o far away. When a girl goes - she gives all, family, home. This man might turnout to be only a passing fancy. But Martha you must believe! You must leave it all and take me, and help me, and let me help you. We need each other! It won't mean leaving all in this day of rapid transportation. But we must crowd everything from our hearts but each other. I am ready to live entirely for you. Think it over sweetheart, and I'll see you at Xmas time. We'll talk for hours, and plan our entire future.

Dear, I love you truly.


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Jackson Rutherford

This is Richard Jackson Rutherford born in late September 2006 to Corey & Angela. He is doing fine. He is the first grandson for Anita & me. We have 8 granddaughters and Anita was wondering if she was ever going to be able to buy a toy truck.

I also included a picture of his three sisters. I am not sure who came up with this pose.

Angela sent me a link with about 50 pictures. If anyone is interested in seeing more send me a email and I will forward the link.


Royal's letter #21 assumed written 10/13/1936

Tuesday Eve.
Dearest Martha,

I am sure that the State Inspector must have looked into your classroom and fronded terribly, but of course all was well when you braised your eyebrows. That smile of yours would knock any of them cold. Of course none of you will get fired, or be in anyway jeopardized. The commerce dept will check well ahead of the other depts. Of course I am correct.

Today is a grand day here. I have seen few more beautiful evenings in my life. Not a cloud in sight, and the day not too hot or too cold. I am afraid this evening will be at least partially wasted, as it would be a swell time for romance. I suppose I can go to the revival, but that fails to seem very romantic to me. We could enjoy a drive if you were here and I were so fortunate as to have a car. Sense I am Supt. (please excuse color, I poured all the black down the sink) I can’t afford to have a car.

Seriously, I am trying to figure out how I can get on top the earth financially, pay my insurance, and buy a car. I’ll do me best and I’ll have a good financial head to help next year. I need a new overcoat on top of all else. I’ll try to get my Masters finished next summer, and at least you’ll get a man with a M.A. degree.

The preacher has almost appropriated our school program now. He gave a meeting for boys at eleven today, one for girls at 2:30 today, and will give a meeting for boys at ten Thurs. and Fri. We excuse any boys that want to go. Between this and the World Series we won’t have much school this week. He talked to the boys on venereal diseases this am. His errors outnumbered his facts, but I should worry.

I am sorry your father does not like his V8. Maybe he does not like fellows who contemplate buying v-8’s and stealing his daughter either. Maybe he will not be too sorry about either in the years to come.

I have just come from Walsh. I went with Mr. Lewis to take Shonts Stein and Dorris Dickey to the concert. The concert was good for the second time. The school refused to place the piano on the stage this lessened the effect of the piano, but was quite good anyway.

All teachers go to church again tomorrow evening.

7:03 Thursday (all ready for school)
It is foggy here; however the weather forecast says clear and warm.
I wish you were here to tell me just how my office should be arranged just right. I am going to ask the board to buy me a typewriting desk for the outer office and the secretary.

I slept like a log last night. I always sleep good. I usually read for a few minutes until I get sleep. Then switch out the light and off to sleep. The only thing I need to have everything perfect is you. I miss you everyday in everything I do.

I have been listening to the news report. It seems that Illinois has the communist presidential candidate in jail. From the news report I think his attorney gave the same address for him as he gave in Greeley. Correction Earl Browder is in Terre Haute, Indiana in the jail. I just heard that Norman Thomas had sent a telegram to President Roosevelt protesting.

I have been up and coming this week. I can’t think of any week of my life that I have felt better. I go to the office about seven-thirty every morning. That means that I had better get the breakfast food swallowed kiss you good bye and be on my way. (Perhaps, I’ll need to imagine the latter).

Yours with love,

Friday, October 13, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha assumed written 10/8/1936

I published this one letter earlier but it belongs here in the actual sequence of letters.

If we look at Martha's dates in the blog we see that she and Royal meet in July 1936 in Colorado. In August 1936 (only two or three weeks after they met) she left Colorado to return to Illinois and her teaching job. I am not sure when the plans were made but they decided to get married after the end of the school year and live in southern Colorado.

So there was a year of letters with a brief visit of Royal to Illinois at Christmas time. This letter was written sometime before that Christmas trip.Anyone who has ever has a long distance romance via letters may identify with this. There is a need to write as often as you can and many times during the day you think about how to tell the other about what is going on around you. You can only say I love you and want you so many times so you must begin to find different ways to get the message across. This is certainly a different view of a man we all knew and loved. I have tried to reproduce this letter as close as I can to the original. It is in italics to be similar to the original hand writhing.

Thursday Evening(your Sunday Letter)


May you enjoy teaching your Sunday School Class, I bet they will think a lot of the love of the Lord is being showered down when you give them one of those big smiles. I know I should if I could just enjoy such.

A poem Midmorning by Edgar Ward

Know that the dawn has found me
Eager and earnest and Strong
My feet on the way set soundly,
My throat sounding a song.

Know that the dusk shall find me
Glad of the way I trod
The day of my grief behind me
And lifted unto God.

I am now in the office. The lady teachers are having a big Ping-Pong game. I just had to run a group of high school people away to keep them from taking the table. Mr. Lewis and I are both working. He in his office and I in mine. We just ordered some aquarium plants to get the aquariums started again. We shall order some fish later. He wants some guppies and a pair of angel fish. I am not spending much money: however, as I realize there are very important things for all the money I can save.

Mr. Lewis just came down he is going to challenge a pair of the lady teachers for a Ping-Pong game and we are going to show them how it is done.

I might have an automobile after tomorrow. It all depends on whither the man trades or not. We play Lamar a game tomorrow night; I might drive home from it in a new gunmetal, Tudor V-8 built in trunk, exhaust heater, 97 Carburetor, and six ply tires. Don't you think I'd make a good salesman.

Well, dear it would be grand to see you tonight. Every night since I saw you in Denver has been wasted as far as my romance goes. I have maybe put in some light licks on this putrid gray paper (What Judge you by your heart!) Does this paper make you sad when I write thereon? If so, thee must let me know at an early date so that thou needst not be so provoked. Willst thou do so me love? Please, me love do let me know about this matter the next time thou dost take thy pen in hand. Well just remember some artist can make a person cry by one stroke of the brush, my mother always could with one stroke of the hair brush. But when one becomes a man he must put away childish things. Yea, put them far away.I am rambling on at great length in this letter and saying nothing which means that in my memoirs these letters maybe published as Great letters of a Great Man or the man that we all knew. Perchance they may be taken for a modern Novel if anything I wrote was of Importance. Of course, dear I naturally expect you to be interested since I love you truly, and intend to drag you off to my den in the "Dust Bowl". Does that not make chills go up and down your spine? I was afraid so. But the early days of June must find the knot tied and the pair ready to travel to Northern Colo. I say must of course I mean, with the willingness and consent of the governed. We'll settle all that in the shant Christmas vacation. Time can't go too fast.This is the goofiest letter I have written, but I feel that way.

Love Royal

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Royal's letter #19 assumed writtn 10/1/1936

The revival reminded me of this.

Fair maid you need not take the hint;
Nor idle texts pursue;
Twas guilty sinners that he meant,
Not angles such as you.

Dearest Martha,

Last night was go to church night. Seventeen of the eighteen teachers went to church. One had already arranged a date for the occasion. If you had been here I should not have gone either. The minister preached very well and very long. The services lasted until past ten – well past – 10:30. The roosters were crowing when I came home and I came straight home. Roasters crow at any unusual noise and of course it is unusual for me to stay out after nine, much less ten. And so they crew. [?] When you come out we will cook the old rooster and make thin soup and eat his tough legs – could even give a drum stick to the baby to chew on.

The preacher was at school and gave an assembly again yesterday. I am afraid that word was not so well divided as not so well divided as the animals on the ark, or the Saints and Sinners at a revival meeting.

Miss Moore, it might interest you to know that I love you; that I would like very much to see you, to hold you, and look into your eyes once again. If these facts don’t interest you please disregard them as the ink can no more go back into the pen than the sun can refuse to shine. At least this will look bad before the jury. If you raised your eye brows I am sure all would be off, the foreman would arise and say you marry that "gal" and provide her with all she’s been "useter". I’d say well, Mr. I think I’d just be too glad to do so if she could share my lot thru thick and thin. Don’t let me fool you because I don’t have a lot of anything but love (and debts).

School is coming quite well. The Quaker preacher came to school and said some rather sarcastic things to brother Lewis, but another mother writes him and signs the notes affectionately yours so I really guess he will have love whether from the Quaker or from the Jones.

Today is payday. I’ll have a dollar or two when all is paid. I surely wish you were here we would go to town and get a "Coke" and look at the things in the windows.
You can probably tell that I have just a little different mental set this morning than usual. Well I washed my head yesterday, and when all the soil was gone I found very little left.

I have been waking up early every morning. Six o’clock finds me shuffling the cards of life to determine just what the new deal shall or shall not be. Fortune takes it upon herself to deal hands very meager and at other times the color is rich. It may depend a lot upon what we do or do not do. I am sure I don’t know.

Well, Honey, don’t forget I am out west, and that I still love to hear from you. There will come a day when you will be here to.

Yours with Love,

Royal's letter to Martha #18 assumed written 9/28/1936

Royal’s letter #18 assumed written 9/28/1936


Just a note to let you know I am still alive and that I love you intensely. How[s] that?

We had a fellowship banquet last night followed by volley ball here at school. A fine time was enjoyed by all.

Providing all disasters can be sidetracked everything is sailing rosy now. One of our grade teachers who is an old horse is doing some little throat cutting, but it will only mean that the same knife will cut her own throat in the spring. You see dear, I feel viscious today, maybe it is good you are so many miles away? But you know I just believe it would be safe for you to come west to live? Don’t you really?

This is my office hour and I must get busy in here or else someone will be in here and report that all I do is sit in my office and write that girl in Indiana.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #17assumed written 9/26/1936

Here Royal visits "home", the farm in Vilas where his Mom & Brother Bill live. Then he goes back "home" his room at the boarding house in Springfield. He is moving to a smaller room to save a little money.

He talks about his older brother who has several thousand acres to plant, this must be Turk. Again it is the dust bowl times and there has been little rain or snow. Turk must be planting winter wheat. I think you plant in the fall and harvest in the spring or early summer.

He is still working on getting his car. his style of trading required lots of jawing and offers and counter offers.

He was always a workaholic. He spent long hours in preparing for his jobs. As a school administrator this often involved late nights and Saturday and Sunday. Then he would work most of the summer. If there was anything happening at the school he would be there. Even in his fifties, when he was just a teacher, Mom would drop him at Edison HS and go to her work at Marshall Jr HS. In the evening she would then pick him up often having to wait. Then he would often work in the evening at home.


Royal’s letter to Martha #17 assumed written 9/26/1936

Dearest, Saturday Morning

I worked until about 10 last night and then went home and slept, ate breakfast, visited awhile, and then came back home this morning. I have just cleaned up neat as a new pin and I am ready to go to the office. I have to finish balancing the books and finish everything ready for the board meeting tonight. Everyone was well and in good spirits. My brother at home has a little coop [?], but he did not have much last year. My older brother is running three drills sowing wheat. He has several thousand acres to sow but will sow only a thousand acres unless more moisture come[s]. We had from seven to ten inches of snow.

I am still trying to trade cars. I may get the job done, if nothing happens.

I am moving into a smaller room today. I suppose I shall move at noon. The next letter you get from me will be from room three instead of room five. This will cut my rent some but the room will not be quite so nice, But really I think I can love you just as much from room three as five.

With Love from room
Five Measel [?] domicile,


Monday, October 02, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #16 assumed written 9/24/1936

This letter has no end. It was very likely sent with the next letter. Notice at the end football scouting has been around for a long time.

He seems down and depressed. He always worked so hard. He could never be completely prepared and so many things he would only do himself. I also think he had such strict rules in his head but it always bothered him when he had to enforce them. Example here is stopping the teachers from going for a Coke.

Royal's letter to Martha #16 assumed written 9/24/1936

Thursday Eve
Dearest Martha,

I certainly feelguiltyy that I have not written you more this week, but I have been so upset that really did well to go as far as I have.

We played football with Eads today. The score was 65 - 0 Spg [Springfield won]. Our boys are going to come through and play some good ball this year. I really am too enthusiastic about football. I like basketball better.

I had to sit on a group of teachers rather hard today. They were going to town before the ball game to get a Coke. This would not have been allowed for students so why allow faculty members such privileges.

I am going to the office to do dome book work in getting the accounts setup. One of the students is to come to help me.

The revival is coming quite well - several of our students have joined the church. I hope it will be lasting, and they will really stick with it. The religious way is the only way to live, but I often times think I am far from it.

I have not read anything or done anything of interest in the whole number [of] days in this week. I feel as if I like to get away for a day or two and not be harassed by a multitude of problems. It would be fine to be cast with you on an island in the mid-ocean, and just live ourselveslfs for a time. Problems weight heavy on ones mind after a while.

Mr. Lewis and Mr. Hale are on their way to Lamar to the game between Lamar & Johnson, Kansas. We play Lamar next Friday.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #15 assume written 9/22/1936

Letter 15 assumed written 9/22/1936

Dearest Martha,

The way I have been writing you would think I did not have my darling, but I surely do. I just got back those mountain pictures we took on our trip, and gave them a once over. You certainly are a sweet girl – I love you.

The revival is still going. It was supposed to have closed last night, but the preacher decided to stay over another night.

My brother was here and visited me last night he stayed until almost midnight. We had a very successful Board Meeting Saturday night, it was almost twelve when it was all over.

Our state convention is Nov. 4, 5, 6. I surely wish I were going to see you. I don’t [know] whether I can enjoy having dinner with Mr. Lewis and Gretchen if you aren’t there. I’ll probably be rather silent, and think a lot.

School is really getting along quite well. We can’t complain at all.

It will only be about ten weeks after this week until I can see you [,] look into your face and realize again that you are mine. Honey I wish I could see you this morning before I go to school.

Your Soup,