Royal's letter to Martha #24 assumed written 10/27/1936
Tuesday Evening
More debts to pay. I have the all seeing eye and boy! Will I enjoy the payment. I’ll live the next seven weeks for this, and that and the other that you will pay. You know some way said, "It is always the woman who pays".
School is still going rather smoothly in spite of everything that might happen. My greatest worry right now is why the election is not over. Our local election here is likely to have a certain upsets, due to the hand of God or the actions of certain humans. Roosevelt seems to be hitting it hard in New York now. Well it won’t be long now.
The faculty started on the play last night. I’m to be Bruce the young boy. It is a lousy thing called "Go Easy Mabel". I wonder the town will let us teach here after they see it. It is I should say rather Crude in places. A committee of teachers did the picking. I had not read it until last night. I got the part for the reason that there was no one else to take it.
I’m going to a holloween party here in town to night. A ghost is supposed to meet me at the gate. I may pass out but I think I can stand it.
Dear, I surely do need you. I need you every day. I have told Lewis any number of times that he and I needed to get married more that any other thing. I will surely look forward to seeing that picture. You can’t send it too soon to suit me. I love you, sweet.
Goodnight, pleasant dreams.
Yours with love,
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