Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #26 Assumed written 10/27/1936

I guess my order of letters is not quite right. From closer reading of this and #24 it would seem #24 should be moved to follow this letter because of the sequence of the Holloween Party.

Dearest Martha,

I think everyday of the world how nice it would be to have you here. It certainly would the last word in living. We certainly could be worth a lot to each other.

I am going to La Junta with the football team tomorrow. We are sure to get beat but I think the boys will put up a good scrap. Speaking of football our grade school boys played the H.S. scrub team today. The score ended a 6 – 6 tie. It was quite a game. I was somewhat surprised how well the grade people did. I wish Mr. Lewis were going in my place – I never relish such trips when I don’t have you along.

Mr. Lewis and I went to school tonight. Mr. Lewis wrote warrants while I worked on the books. It was quite a calm peaceful evening. I was to have washed my hair when I got home, but Mrs. Measel forgot to leave the bathroom open.

The Ford is functioning very well. The only trouble it burns gas just like all cars – gas of course costs money. The heater has not been installed, but will be soon.

I got a letter from my sister today. She wants me to come to her house Sat. night to a Halloween party. Come out and we’ll storm the party together. That would be a real treat.

I shall look forward to seeing the luncheon set. I am glad you are a changed person. There is a chance for me. I’d love to see you smile and see your sweet face tonight. Too bad I can’t kiss you goodnight and have you lie on my arm, and be able to awake and find you there in the morning. Time is going a little faster now. The time will soon come when Santa will bring me to you.

Yours with love,



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