Royal's letter to Martha #22 assumed written 10/17/1936
Royal's Letter to Martha # 22 assumed writtenn 10/17/1936
This letter is all hand printed rather than written in his normal script.
Saturday Morning
I realize with a heart that is swelling with emotion that ten weeks ago today you entrained for San Antonio. I left for Baca County - Much unknown lay before - I have met the job - There has been problems, but today the world seems to have a place for two - a man and wife to direct the activities of the school. I know the way has seemed dark for you many times - Colorado is so-o-o far away. When a girl goes - she gives all, family, home. This man might turnout to be only a passing fancy. But Martha you must believe! You must leave it all and take me, and help me, and let me help you. We need each other! It won't mean leaving all in this day of rapid transportation. But we must crowd everything from our hearts but each other. I am ready to live entirely for you. Think it over sweetheart, and I'll see you at Xmas time. We'll talk for hours, and plan our entire future.
Dear, I love you truly.
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