Monday, October 02, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha #16 assumed written 9/24/1936

This letter has no end. It was very likely sent with the next letter. Notice at the end football scouting has been around for a long time.

He seems down and depressed. He always worked so hard. He could never be completely prepared and so many things he would only do himself. I also think he had such strict rules in his head but it always bothered him when he had to enforce them. Example here is stopping the teachers from going for a Coke.

Royal's letter to Martha #16 assumed written 9/24/1936

Thursday Eve
Dearest Martha,

I certainly feelguiltyy that I have not written you more this week, but I have been so upset that really did well to go as far as I have.

We played football with Eads today. The score was 65 - 0 Spg [Springfield won]. Our boys are going to come through and play some good ball this year. I really am too enthusiastic about football. I like basketball better.

I had to sit on a group of teachers rather hard today. They were going to town before the ball game to get a Coke. This would not have been allowed for students so why allow faculty members such privileges.

I am going to the office to do dome book work in getting the accounts setup. One of the students is to come to help me.

The revival is coming quite well - several of our students have joined the church. I hope it will be lasting, and they will really stick with it. The religious way is the only way to live, but I often times think I am far from it.

I have not read anything or done anything of interest in the whole number [of] days in this week. I feel as if I like to get away for a day or two and not be harassed by a multitude of problems. It would be fine to be cast with you on an island in the mid-ocean, and just live ourselveslfs for a time. Problems weight heavy on ones mind after a while.

Mr. Lewis and Mr. Hale are on their way to Lamar to the game between Lamar & Johnson, Kansas. We play Lamar next Friday.


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