Royal's letter to Martha #23 assumed written 10/19/1936
Royal’s Letter to Martha #23 assumed written 10/19/1936
You wrote a swell letter today. This day of all days I needed such. Our ex-county superintendent came back to town last night and plead guilty to forging eight thousand dollars worth of school warrants. He is now residing in the county jail, awaiting sentence to the Federal Penitentiary. This is the third blow Baca County schools has had in six years. It is terrible. I knew the man and had implicit confidence in him. It will set our school back at least 5 years, and practically kill the Baptist Church of whom the man was formerly a leader. This man has preached wonderful sermons all over the county. He has given the baccalaureate sermon here for five year. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, and it is really a slap in the face to our schools, church, and community. One of the fellows told me that Mr. Mitchell has just been sentenced to from 3 to 6 years. Things like this cause we humans to have less faith in humanity Ah?
Of course, I should not be adverse to accepting payment on the little debt every night. I just have not been able to figure just how the thing can be done before Santa Comes at Christmas time. I may be so hard up I can’t do anything else but I am coming at Christmas time if nothing else comes. I am not the least worried about not going to Colorado Springs. Really I did not even have to stop to think before I knew that I should not plan to do other than come to see the girl I love.
Our faculty this year is thus far reasonably free of pressure groups, spites [?], backbiters, etc. We are putting over quite a school program believe it or not.
We got a big Sousaphone last weekend. It surely does make our band sound differently. We are on the way to a better and better band.
We had a school program tonight. Mr. Morris put on a dramatic program. He staged some songs, tap numbers, a puppet show, and ended by the little play The Wonder Hat. Quite a crowd was out considering the fact that there was two political rallies in the neighboring towns.
Oh, yes I see by the paper that Earl Browder the Communist Candidate for president is not being so well received in your native state of Illinois.
I am quite sorry to hear about the accident, but I am sure glad you nor sisters were hurt. Fenders can be replaced but injuries can’t always be taken care of so easily.
Mother was to see me and gave me a chrysanthemum today. It was really that. And I’m not trying to air off my spelling either. The students teased me no little about it when I went back to school, but I paid little attention to their fun. I had to rush back to school and see my physics class so I did not see her long, even she was in town.
The Nevada girl knows all sees all of course. I always treat them that way. Don’t I? Of course she can’t raise her eyes like you!
Martha I surely wish you were here and I could go to sleep thanking God I had you beside me on my arm. I need you sweetheart. This work is big work – I love you truly.
Your Beau,
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