Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Royal's letter #19 assumed writtn 10/1/1936

The revival reminded me of this.

Fair maid you need not take the hint;
Nor idle texts pursue;
Twas guilty sinners that he meant,
Not angles such as you.

Dearest Martha,

Last night was go to church night. Seventeen of the eighteen teachers went to church. One had already arranged a date for the occasion. If you had been here I should not have gone either. The minister preached very well and very long. The services lasted until past ten – well past – 10:30. The roosters were crowing when I came home and I came straight home. Roasters crow at any unusual noise and of course it is unusual for me to stay out after nine, much less ten. And so they crew. [?] When you come out we will cook the old rooster and make thin soup and eat his tough legs – could even give a drum stick to the baby to chew on.

The preacher was at school and gave an assembly again yesterday. I am afraid that word was not so well divided as not so well divided as the animals on the ark, or the Saints and Sinners at a revival meeting.

Miss Moore, it might interest you to know that I love you; that I would like very much to see you, to hold you, and look into your eyes once again. If these facts don’t interest you please disregard them as the ink can no more go back into the pen than the sun can refuse to shine. At least this will look bad before the jury. If you raised your eye brows I am sure all would be off, the foreman would arise and say you marry that "gal" and provide her with all she’s been "useter". I’d say well, Mr. I think I’d just be too glad to do so if she could share my lot thru thick and thin. Don’t let me fool you because I don’t have a lot of anything but love (and debts).

School is coming quite well. The Quaker preacher came to school and said some rather sarcastic things to brother Lewis, but another mother writes him and signs the notes affectionately yours so I really guess he will have love whether from the Quaker or from the Jones.

Today is payday. I’ll have a dollar or two when all is paid. I surely wish you were here we would go to town and get a "Coke" and look at the things in the windows.
You can probably tell that I have just a little different mental set this morning than usual. Well I washed my head yesterday, and when all the soil was gone I found very little left.

I have been waking up early every morning. Six o’clock finds me shuffling the cards of life to determine just what the new deal shall or shall not be. Fortune takes it upon herself to deal hands very meager and at other times the color is rich. It may depend a lot upon what we do or do not do. I am sure I don’t know.

Well, Honey, don’t forget I am out west, and that I still love to hear from you. There will come a day when you will be here to.

Yours with Love,


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