Royal's Letter to Martha #11 assumed date 9/16/1936
Now we start un-dated letters. He was writing often enough that he would just put the day of the week at the top or in this case nothing. I have used the letter's content to put together a sequence and assign an assumed date. I also put together monthly calendars for August to December 1936 to aid me in placing the letters. If he talks about the picnic on Thursday I can place it especially if as in this case he says fifteen more weeks. Sometimes he looks forward (so many more weeks) and sometimes he looks backwards (It was 3 weeks ago I put you on the train). It is interesting he is using metaphors and similes to talk about his feelings. I think "water to a drowning man" is interesting but a little mixed. The sailor and the port seems right on though. Some times he slips into the colloquial "Sorta" but generally he stays with proper english. The Mr. Lewis etc. is definitely from an earlier age. I hope someone is enjoying these. I certainly enjoy getting them to gether.
Letter 11 (I think this was written 9/16/1936)
Dearest Martha,
We had a session of teachers concerning library cataloging. Later Mr. Austin, Mr. Lewis, and I got together and divided other questions of importance. If we do not have any changes our Christmas vacation will be from Dec. 22 (start 23rd) to Jan 3. A total of twelve days. School will be out approximately May 21. We are going to give a faculty play sometime before Christmas. I am sorta thrilled about twelve day Christmas vacation. I think I can do a lot toward persuading you in that time.
Your letter came like water to a drowning man today. It hit the spot, filled the bill, and thrilled me through and through. I really think I can carry on, and on if you just love me, and promise to be with me next year. There is not limit to where we can go together. The distance I can travel without you is so short. I truly need you everyday. The sailor can carry on if the lighthouse is in sight. Fifteen more weeks and I shall see you - the sailor shall put in at port.
We are having a faculty picnic tomorrow evening starting a 5:30. The janitors and their wives are planning the lunch. A committee of teachers are planning the entertainment. I am sorry you can't be here.
I'd love to be in your town for the horse show. I have never attended any type of stock show in my life. I am quite interested in good farm stock but have never known anything very definite about such.
Oh, yes we are all invited to the Baptist church to a party Saturday evening. We certainly are being feted. A revival meeting starts Monday or maybe Sunday. I did not choose to let them use our school auditorium for it.
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