E-mail from Cousin Judy
This is a test to see if I am working online. My new address is jmrb1941@centurytel.net. My home address is 60 Diane Ave., Ash Flat, Arkansas 72513 Phone 870-994-7707
We are still unloading boxes and trying to put 2000 sq ft into 1100 sq ft of space. What a mess, Murphy's law is in effect. Had to get new range, new furnace and paint over all the smoked up walls. Great yard but half is concrete blocks so back breaking work ahead this summer. Found a church already, this is Arkansas instead of a bank on every corner it has churches. This is great. Pink house will be painted this summer to grey and pink. We are exhausted but happy. In 46 years we had never had a Chirstmas or New Year without company or family. We looked at each other and said HI this is us looking at each other. Then we laughed. So we are here. Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Christmas and New Year. Write and let me know if this went through.
I'am not sure what is happening in Judy's life to prompt a move. Does anyone know?