Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Well 2005 was as a "not bad year".

I used to have a boss who would look at your work and if he liked it would say, "That's not bad."

I would say, "You mean it's good?

He would say, "No, it's not bad. But you can do better."

Anyway sorry I haven't written more. I have several things I am working on, but I have to go upon the house and take down lights today.

I didn't write about it but December 19 was a hectic day. Corey left the Army Base in MO. And headed for his new home. I was mailing & UPSing some packages. There seemed to be a series of collect calls every time he stopped at an Air Port: St Louis, LA, San Jose. Was his wife going to meet him? Why wouldn't she answer the phone? Where was the house. He only had $50; was that enough?

Angela had moved with the kids to military housing on old Ft. Ord a Seaside, Ca address. Her cell phone didn't work there. I had the address for Christmas stuff. I have him the address. Finally he decided to wing it and take a bus from San Jose and with some swift talking and a uniform got a ride from the bus station to his new home.

As I understand it he will be in Monterey for a year studying Korean. I can't image it will be a calm time.


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