Garry Williamson passes away
Garry Williamson who was married to Aunt Gladys (Moore) Williamson passed away this last week. Gladys let Marj know and Marj told everyone else. Garry had has Alzheimer's for several years. I know everyone's love and concern go out to Gladys. Gladys is the middle sister of the three Moore girls (Martha, Gladys, and Eva). See Martha's list of family dates.
I know that Gladys and Garry were sweethearts when they were very young and then drifted apart. They both married others and raised families. They somehow reconnected in later years and married. One of those story book tales. I have, somewhere, in all the letters etc. I got from mom a write-up on the relationship but this morning I can't find it. So my brief description will have to do.