Judy Billbrey's last picture

The purpose of this web Log is to allow easy communciation between people interested in the RF Rutherford family, family stories, and family events. Anyone may post comments to Blog entries, If you want to post orginal entries contact Richard (rlrutherford@triconet.org) to get setup. Any entries that are offensive or in bad taste will probably be deleted or edited. Spelling problems will be allowed, they may be a family curse.
If you go back a few posts to "Four Generations of Lucas" the back left is Mary Belle Lucus. Mary Belle has changed a bit. She had Agnas when she was not married. About the time Grandma had married and had Martha; Mary Belle had married a Webb and had a son named Charley. That was mom's uncle Charley they were very close in age and did everything together when they were young. I think Charley ended up married to one of Martha's college room mates.