Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
July Trip
The details are becoming clear. Anita & I plan to fly to SF on July 15 arriving early in the morning and going from the air port to our cruise ship. The ship sails at 4 pm on a 10 day trip to Alaska.
We will return on July 25th. We plan to stay in the Bay Area until July 30 when we fly from Oakland to Tucson. I need to do some work on the Crockett house while we are there. We also hope to visit with family.
Quotes for the day
Quote Of The Day for the work inclined:
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." — Thomas Edison
For the more laid back:
Sit straight, and before you buy your shoes measure your feet. - ZEN SAYING
Saturday, June 10, 2006
First Great Grandchild Annabella

Feathers to You

This is Fuzzy the night a cactus wren flew in the front door and caused a small riot. We were running all over trying to catch it. We needed to catch her before one of the 8 cats did. Many of the eight cats were helping. Fuzzy almost had her a couple of times. He was the fastest I have ever seen him. I had her and then lost her. I finally trapped her and she seemed alright and she went out the front door. I don't think the wren or Fuzzy realized how close he had come.