Pleasant Hill CA 10-11-2004 Richard
I am still trying to figure out how to make this work. Marj, Tom & Enie, Mary & Mike, and Richard all got together on Sunday 10/10/2004. Mike made some great BBQ and had a nice dinner and spent time talking about both sides of the family:
- The Rutherford's in Co.
- The Moore's in Ind.
Mary, Marj, and I also talked about setting up this Blog so I thought I would revisit it.
I stopped working on this before because I thought we needed an easy way to post Photo's and it didn't seem possible here. Since then I have seen several places (like Yahoo) that will for a low monthly rate rent web space where we can store such things. I will work over the next few weeks to figure out the best way to do photos etc.
This is a wide open "public" forum and people should feel free to post news, information, thoughts, dreams, etc. that might relate to the RF Rutherford family. Don't feel inhibited or restrained. We should be among friends. I did say "Public" so don't put things here you don't want the world or some portion of it to know.
Please pass the information about this to all family or friends on the internet. We will see if we can get something going.