Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Note from Aunt Gladys

Dick & Anita - 31 Oct 05

I am so happy that your plans jelled with ours. It was good to see you – and for you to get to know Ed & Marilyn better. Both of my "youngns" felt as if we had all been close all our lives. Guess that is what blood relatives means. Your Mom & I were a lot alike in a lot of ways – but enough different to make life interesting. Here is a short story you may have heard. Before we had our 1st car – a 1925 Essex, your Mon would have been ~10. She drove our horse & buggy the 1 ½ miles to town alone to buy a couple of groceries – only to find she was short (my memory of the story was 8 cents; Martha remembered 23 cents) out of a probable total due of less than $2.00. She very politely asked George (The grocer) for a blank check & then wrote it for the balance. We always paid cash for groc. George could hardly wait for Mom & Dad to come in to tell them this great story. He held the check for them. What a responsible child Martha was! I’ll think of more later.
Love – Aunt Gladys


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