Saturday, November 12, 2005

Corey Letter Dated Nov 6th

Dad, Nov 6th

Here is a photo of me. It is from reception so I have lost a lot of weight since then and look Healthier. I am sorry I haven’t written sooner. I have a half-written letter I am still working on but I have very little time.

Tell Aunt Mary thank you for her support it is greatly appreciated. Tell everyone to keep me in their prayers. I have 26 more days. I passed my BRM (basic Rifle Marksmanship). All I have left to Complete is my final PT test and a 15 K Road march after our final FTX (field training exercise) we are finally getting to the fun training.

If anyone wants to write me please give them the address any and all letters are appreciated. They help renew my spirit and help me carry on. Your last letter meant a lot to me. Feel free to write whatever whenever. I love you and miss you.

Your Son,
Corey Rutherford


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