Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Corey Older Letter

I just got this yesterday post marked 11/18

Note on the back "This is an older letter I never finished."

Dad Oct 25

Thank you so much for your letter. I was having a not so good day today and it helped to cheer me up considerably. I am glad you put the letter on the Blog. Also tell aunt Mary it made me feel very special that she responded to my letter. Any communication from the outside is always welcome and an answer to prayers. If anyone is interested please forward on my address to them. Being in Boot Camp has raised my interest I my other family members military experiences. I would love to hear about them.

I figured coming to graduation might be hard for you. If you can arrange it, I would be very proud if you came. If not I understand.

We just finished our second day of firing live rounds.

Next page


How is everything going? Things are going well here. I just passed my final PT test. All I have left is a 10K march, my final FTX, and a 15K march followed by the night infriltratiuon course.

I love you, Corey Rutherford

I need some stamps and envelopes.


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