Thursday, September 07, 2006

Royal's letter to Martha Sept 7, 1936

There are a couple of things of interest here.

Royal is musing about a car in several letters. The American male has a history of love affairs with their automobiles and Royal is no exception. But it is interesting that the car represents the means of getting to Indiana to see the women he loves. It is a means to an end. When he finally bought a 1936 Ford he drove it until 1950. That's 14 or 15 years. I recall standing in the back set of that 1936 Ford Sedan as we traveled across country one summer to Indiana when I was about 4. Mary must have just been born. That car must have made several of those trips from Colorado to Indiana.

When Royal & Martha finally decided in 1950 to buy a new car; he went into the Chevy dealer's to look at a car and the salesman either ignored him or didn't help him because he thought he would continue to drive his old car. To retaliate he went to the Ford dealer and bought a new 1950 Ford. I was driving that car, the 1950 Ford, as a teen, in 57-59 . It had rusting under sides and primer on a spot Tom and I had applied on one door. It was cool to have primer spots on your car. Tom put a glass pack muffler on it and it had a nice mellow sound going through the gears. I think it was close to 1959 or so before it went away. I don't recall what happened to the 1950 Ford.

He talks about the punk letter he wrote. Of course Martha didn't save that letter so we don't know what he wrote. It would be interesting to be able to read both sides of this conversation but we only have Royal's letters.

Earlier posts that relate to Royal's family are 7-9-05 Picture of Bill & Royal, 6-1-05 storey of Bills life in Baca County, and 5-27-05 storey of Annie's, their mother, life in Baca County.

Springfield, Colorado
September 7, 1936

Dearest Martha,
Something tells me that it would be rather foolish for us to plan to live apart again for another year. So many things can happen. "Exit" would have been more appropriate than "live" in that sentence any way.

I was quite worried by many things yesterday. I had a good night’s rest last evening & night and I really feel quite pepped up today. Mr. Hale, our Coach, Mr. Morris, the English teacher and I have a date for church today. I did not finally get up until 9:30. I got up at seven and bathed shaved and went back to bed. The additional rest will be good for me.

We have no school tomorrow. I am going home this afternoon and not come back until sometime tomorrow. I shall visit read eat and in general get my mind off school matters so I can come back Tuesday ready for the grind.

I might get the car in another two or three weeks. I never know just what to do. My brother is really of the opinion that it would be better to wait and get a 1937. I am not at all convinced that this is true.

I gave my paper on snakes at the fall meeting of the Baca Ed. Assn.Yesterdayy. It was quite well received so I think I was elected Secretary and treasurer of the association. The fellow before me wrote a beautiful Palmer hand, imagine some of this writing in comparison to that. I am about fifty dollars better off financially by belonging to the association. Of course you understand this money belongs to the association; well, I understand that too.

The air mail letter came no sooner. I am sending this one straight. Please report on its time of arrival.

Mr. Lewis left yesterday for Bristol to visit his mother over the vacation. He was not feeling very well yesterday but I imagine he made the trip OK.

I am ashamed of the "punk" letter I wrote yesterday. But really I never was quite so low. I don't get that way very often, but it seems as if I do reach the lowest depths of despair when I do. I was afraid I was about to be involved in the low political situation that exists in this town. I am not interested in politics. Why do people that are as "low as snakes lips" try to pull other people to their same low level. We are trying desperately to divorce our school from all semblance of politics.

Oh, be careful how you flirt with that janitor. Men never stop being interested in women. Of course I don't expect a sudden elopement.

It is approaching church time and I must mail this letter and meet the fellows.

I'll see you in about sixteen more weeks; woe be unto you when I do.

I love Martha,



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