Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Royal's Letter to Martha Sept 13,1936

Royal often talks about his sister and I am not sure who that is since he had several. The one he was closest to that I remember was his sister Maidie. She was Terry & Linda's mother. They were adopted when they were very small babies and she died soon after. She was married to Horace [ I'm not sure about the spelling] Retherford. There was some thought that the Retherfords and the Rutherfords were related but if it was so it was a long time in the past.

Maidie was my favorite aunt proably because she was around from the ages of 4 to 7 or so and the rest of my relations lived far away. I remember Horace & Maidie coming over for dinner and they brought a quart of ice cream. It came in a square box. We wrapped it in a blanket to keep it cold while we ate. We didn't have a refrigerator or Ice Box. After dinner the ice cream box was opened up and the ice cream cut into eight equal pieces. One for each of us. What a treat.

One Christmas There was a present under the tree for Tom and I from Horace & Maidie. We speculated what could it be. It was a rectangular package about 24" x 24" x 3". I was hoping it was a chemistry set, a microscope, etc... On Christmas morning we opened it and to our surprise it was a picture of Jesus. I was very disappointed. I don't recall ever seeing the picture after that. What ever happened to the picture of Jesus?

We had moved to Montrose, Colorado from Arizona, where Royal was a teacher, in 1945. Royal was to work at Horace and Maidie's Hardware Store. Royal thought he was to become a partner in the business but he was treated more like a hired hand. Horace was a very smart man but he had only finished the third grade in school. Royal had a Masters Degree. Horace loved to show Royal up and point out how college was of little use. I think it was hard for dad. The hardware was in the block west of Townson on Main St. It was the same block as JC Pennys Store. It was an old fashion Hardware with bulk screws and nails, tools etc. Much of their goods were things for the farmers and ranchers outside of town. I remember going to the hardware and Maidie saying, "lets buy the kids ice cream cones." They had one of the big brass National Cash Register machines with all the buttons and drawers where the money was kept. She pushed a button and the drawer come popping out and hit me in the head.

After working there for about a year the position of High School Principal opened up in Montrose. I assume Royal and Martha talked about it and he applied for the job. He got the Principal job and got out of the hardware business. He was 37 or 38 years old.

Springfield, Colorado
September 13, 1936

Dearest Martha,

A change from the shades of somber gray stationary. I was down town after Mr. Lewis and I came from the country this evening so I invested in some white stationery.

Mr. Lewis and [I] went to the country to collect my laundry. We saw my mother and sister and got a big bouquet of flowers. I shall have a sample of these to grace the office tomorrow.
A three week revival started here today. I shall need to go quite often. The evangelist will give an assembly from 3-4 Tuesday. The meeting is being held in an old store bldg. Here in town it means we shall not have night school activities during this time. Perhaps a blessing in the open or in disguise.

Monday Eve 6:15 pm

I spent nearly an hour seeing the said evangelist today. He gave me a whole lecture on how godless the teachers and high school students are. Quote "The high school people their ideals from trashy movies instead from the word of God". I told him I thought many good movies had been produced in the last years. He is one of these guys that require anything and everything to give way. I asked our teacher to change the date of their professional concert to Sept. 28 instead of Sept. 25. I learned years ago that Satan must not be crossed when he does things in the name of the Lord. Our local minister is not at all in sympathy with him, but what else is there to do.

(in pencil)
9:45 pm.

I'm sorry but forgot and left the fountain at school and I have to use this instrument for finishing this letter. On the next page I am writing you a riddle. I wish I could give you this tonight.

(in pen)
Here's A riddle:

I am just two & two, I am warm, I and cold,
And the parents of numbers that can not be told;
I am lawful, unlawful, - a duty, a fault;
I am often sold dear, good for nothing when bought;
An extraordinary boon, and a matter of course;
And yielded with pleasure when taken by force.

(in pencil)
Mr. Morris Mr. Lewis and I have been to school and down town. I did not have on my necktie and went somewhat like a hick. Mr. Lewis & [I] worked on the N.Y.A. situation and talked over some other problems. Mr. Lewis and the athletic Coach are leaving directly at 2:00 tomorrow attend an athletic meeting in La Juanta.

Martha, dear you are fortunate in having someone you can confide in. Mr. Lewis and I never talk such problems. He knows I plan to get married either the spring or in the summer. Knowing you of course he thinks that OK. Martha I know we can make a success of this thing. If we can't there is no reason for anyone to try it. Every thing is on our side. Love, back ground, common interest, education, everything. It would take some give and take, but think how fine it would be to have each other. Honey, I certainly miss you everyday, I can't go through another winter without you.

I am making every effort to be just as conservative as I dare be. I don't think it pays a "Super" to be too "Scotch". My personal expenses surely have been cut to the bone.
My work is not without problems and no large school would be. I think our school is going over quite well.

Our Xmas vacation starts Dec. 22 after the program. I can probably make a part of the trip that night, but I guess I could never make it to see you much before sometime Christmas Eve. I do not have a car and have not been able to trade to advantage. Remember sweetheart that I shall live from now until then expecting to see you again. Here's the answer to the riddle.

Love to Martha from Royal.


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