Saturday, April 09, 2005

Where have I been

I haven't posted anything for a while for several reasons. I had to go to western Virginia for a week to teach a class; when I returned I had just a few days to get ready for visitors and vacation; we took a vacation in northern Arizona for a week; and finally when I got back I had a tooth pulled. Each of these is a story in its self but maybe I will get the tooth story ready for here.

I do have a couple of stories. I will post the short one next. Anyone who knows Sandra might get a kick out of this story.

I also have a Rollins family tree. Annie Verrell Rollins (my grandmother on my father's side) married James Griffith Rutherford (my grandfather on my father's side) on December 25, 1889 in Wilbarger County, Texas. Very few stories are know of these folks but I can dig up a few given a chance.

I hope everyone is OK. I sure would like to see some other people active on this blog. Thanks, Richard.


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