Monday, February 07, 2005

A few old family sayings

Grandma Moore – Land of Goshen!
This was an expression of surprise. I had to check my Bible for this but it was an area in Northern Egypt the Israelites went through during the Exodus.

Dad – You won’t amount to "A hill of beans"!
I always heard this as "Hellofbeans" and thought it was some form of swearing.

Don’t be a pantywaist! This always meant don’t be a crybaby or a sissy. In later years I thought about it and panty was a woman’s under garment, so I imagined a straggly piece of elastic sagging around my waist with rotting pieces of fabric hanging from it. When I was staying with Mom a few years back an in a conversation she said "He was a panty waist" My ears picked up because I had never hear her say anything like that. I said what exactly does that mean? She explained it meant a little effeminate.

You won’t have a Pot to Piss In! It seemed like I heard this a lot. I always figured if I wrote a book about growing up I might call it "A Pot to Piss In". Because I was never going to have one. It was true the way I handled money and assets was a crime especially as looked at by people who grew up or came of age in the 1930’s and 40’s. One time on a trip I saw a post card with a large snake saying to a bunch of small snakes "You won’t have a Pit to Hiss In". It made me think of dad.

I'd rather ware out than rust out. What can I say classic Royal.

Mom - There will be War in Camp! I used to hear this as one word "Warincamp" which I wasn’t sure what it was but I knew it meant trouble.


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