Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Tom & Eini Take a ride

Hi all,

Eini and I had the Sunday blues and decided to jump on the motorcycle and see where we ended up. The weather did not say rain, but high overcast and so we dressed for Colorado weather and headed south. We headed for King City about 50 miles south of Salinas and took Jolon Road west. It takes one on a back road that leads to Hunter Legget. We got to give the thumbs up to several military convoys and other than that had the road pretty much to ourselves. This part of the central coast has lots of oak trees and is still pretty wide open spaces. At Hunter Legget, we turned left and headed for Lockwood. Robin had told me that Dianne lived in a mobile home in Lockwood. Just for curiosity sake we turned left in Lockwood and turned into the mobil home park. After asking three people, if they knew anyone that lived in the park by the name of Dianne and coming up with nada we headed on towards San Antonio Reservoir. I might add here that we had taken a motorcycle ride on the same road last summer and ran into a lot of car and very hot weather. This time as we headed toward the Reservoir there was no traffic and the weather was cool, but enjoyable. We had stopped and streched at Lockwood, and as we first turned off at Jolon Rd. So we ventured on to San Antonio Reservior. What a beautiful ride. Lots of curvy roads.

I just remember as we were streching by the store in Lockwood a younger than us man pulled over in his truck and started talking. We had taken the back roads to give God a chance to talk with him. He was planning to move to Oklahoma and leave his family in California. He was divorced with three kids and did not want to move if the move would be detrimental to his life. He told us he was now working in the King City area on a farm with some relative and sending money for support to his family in Bend, Oregon. He had been asked to move to Oklahoma to work in the oil fields, but was not sure yet if he would do it. He just wanted to get away from the daily situation to see if he could figure it all out.

We finally excused ourselves and headed on to the reservoir. We passed it without fan fair and head on the Nacimiento Reservoir. These back roads are great motorcycle roads. I just love the big oak tress and this area has alot of them.

After passing Nacimiento we end up in Paso Robles. We have spent time before in this town. The mid state fair is there in the summer and we have gone to it many times. We were cursing around town and saw a Sizzler. We decide to eat there and also to use the time to warm up. The coolness of the day had finally gotten to us. We do not eat like we used to. After sampling a little of this and a little of that we were off to Wal-mart to so Eini could get something she had seen at Walgreens. She went in and purchased these little hand warmers. They are small bags that when you shake one it put off heat for about eight hours. We both put them in our gloves and headed on the freeway back to Salinas.

The trip back was probably the most enjoyable we have had on the freeway. The wind usually blows down the valley south from Salinas, but today the wind was at our back and we had a great ride back into Salinas.

I might add. I have built some saddle bags out of leather and designed a holder for the saddle bags on the motorcycle and this ride was the test to see if what I had designed worked. We filled the bags before we left and the way I hope they would work, they did.Glad I took those leather classes in Montrose. I enjoy reading what everyone has written. So I decide to try and see if I could post something. So if you are reading this it worked.

Love Tom -- Written by Tom Rutherford for RF Rutherford Family Blog 11/16/2004 01:15:08 PM


Blogger Richard Rutherford said...

Tom e-mailed this to me and I have included it as a post.

7:51 PM  

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