Friday, May 27, 2005

Annie & Family Come to Colorado from Baca County Book

The following is taken from a large brown book weighting about 10 pounds called "Baca County" Copyright 1983 Baca County Historical Society/ Specialty Publishing Co., Inc. There are also separate write-ups on Bill, Deet, Royal, and Turk, which I will add as I get time.

Annie Rutherford

Annie Verrell (Rollins) Rutherford came from Ochiltree, Texas in covered wagons. She arrived in Vilas in July 1910 with her six boys: Almon (Chuck); Rollins (Turk); Forest (Deet); Tom; James (Bill); and Royal, who was 1 ½ years old; and four girls, Lydia, Sarah, Margaret and Mary (Madie).

At first they lived in a camp house in Vilas, but soon moved to a place one mile southeast of Vilas. Then for a short time they lived 3 miles northeast of Vilas in a rock house which was known as "Robbers Roost", while they were drilling a well and digging a half dugout on the place she homesteaded in 1911.

She lived on her homestead until death in 1944, except for two winters 1912-13 and 1926-27 which she spent in California for her health.

Her children grew up on this homestead. Tom and Margaret met accidental death as young adults. The other eight helped in developing businesses and farmlands around Vilas. Tom, Turk, and Almon ran Wheeler’s Garage in Vilas and Turk and Almon ran freight trucks for him.

Royal and Madie taught school in Baca County several years. Tom taught also and was teaching at Blaine at the time of his death. Both Royal and Madie later moved to California. She was living in California at the time of her death. Royal taught in Stockton, California until he retired.

Almon moved to Lincoln, Nebraska where he worked for Burlington Railroad for 45 years. After his retirement he spent several winters with his brother Bill. He lived in Lincoln until his death. His widow, Peton (Yokley) Rutherford still lives there.

Sarah married Henry Blanchart. They studied chiropractory in Davenport, Iowa, and then practiced chiropractory in Wellington, Kansas. After his death, she continued to practice until she was seriously injured in a car wreck in 1973.

Lydia worked in Wheeler store in Vilas. She married Glen Yokum and they lived on a farm on Bear Creek, 2 miles north of Vilas. Later she helped start Home Demonstration Clubs over the county. Her last years were spent in Springfield. She worked in Traders Store, also she gave much of her time working for the Republican Party.

The life of Annie Rutherford goes on through the lives of her children and grandchildren and their accomplishments.

By Leatha Rutherford Hein


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